Friday, August 14, 2009

I don't wanna dip my balls in it

Reno 911! has been canceled.

You know, I've just about had it with Comedy Central. It's gotten to the point that if The Daily Show and The Colbert Report got canceled, I'd have zero reason to watch it. To answer the immediate question, no, I'm not forgetting South Park--I lost all patience with that show once they saw fit to become the propaganda wing of the Libertarian Party. I was pissed off when Dave Chappelle bailed--now I wonder what he knew that I didn't.

This is, after all, the same network that canceled TV Funhouse after one season but kept bringing back Mind of Mencia. The same network who insists on punishing us with reruns of Scrubs and MADtv, shows which respectively showcase everything wrong with sitcoms and sketch comedy. The same network that thought (for a mercifully brief moment) it could bring back Futurama without the original voice cast. The same network that, most unforgivably of all, helped catapult Dane Cook and Larry the Cable Guy to superstardom. And the less I say about their original movies, the better.

Of course, there's no accounting for taste (I thought and still think Drawn Together was funny--it's not something I'm proud of)--they wouldn't keep airing this horrid shit if people weren't watching, right? And most of the really terrible shows are done and gone in one season, so perhaps I'm being unfair. In fact, I AM being unfair--The Daily Show and Colbert aren't going anywhere.

Still though...Dane Cook.

1 comment:

  1. Comedy Central has always been bad and is mostly the same as every other specialty cable network. Not enough new (good) programming, not enough advertising revenue, too many repeats. That there are two shows worth watching and those shows aren't in reruns is a great thing.
