Thursday, October 6, 2011


God DAMN, it's been a long time.

Not that there hasn't been a good reason for it.  I've been busy working on other projects.  Well, one other project really.  That doesn't account for all the time away; the dreary aftermath of the project going tits-up--during which the mere thought of writing anything more complex than a shopping list made me painfully ill--filled out the balance.

I came out of this period of hard work and mental anguish with nothing much to show for it, save a considerable collection of prose pieces.  Each one is a slice of my very subconscious, thin enough to melt on your tongue and suffuse your entire mouth with the flavor.  Like one of those breath-freshener strips, except they taste awful and leave your breath smelling like you've been eating your dead grandmother.

I'm kind of fucked up as a person, is what I'm trying to say.  This in itself was not a surprise; the surprise came from finding out just how fucked up.  That's why I mention all this--not because I wish to revel in my own puerility, a modern-day carnival barker pulling you aside and whispering "you wanna hear somethin' fucked up?", but rather to assure you that, grossed out though you may be, there's an extremely good chance I'm just as disgusted with myself.

Apart from plowing my way through this backlog, I'll try to throw in some extras as well--bringing back weekend music videos, the odd review, etc.  And I'll start writing new stuff once the well starts to run dry--see how much more of grandma I can stuff in your mouth.  I hear the perineal maggots are especially juicy this time of year...

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