Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Nothing worth telling Facebook about

What does it mean when the name of the record label is printed in larger text than the name of the band? Lack of support? That can't be it in this case--they were a pretty big name back then. Mere carelessness? More likely--labels aren't known for their consideration of such matters.

An explanation. I was trying to think of something to write just now, happened to glance over at a CD laying on my desk and noticed that detail. You find inspiration in the strangest places.

I shouldn't leave that CD just lying out like that, actually. It's liable to get scratched up, and even with the album safely ensconced within my iPod it's always nice to have a hard-copy backup. I know where the case is--I'll get up and put it in there. One of these days. Probably. Pretty much my default attitude to any housekeeping.

I did at least get around to throwing away some of these surplus phone books, at least. Seems like every other week some phone company is dumping one or two on my doorstep. Like my bookshelves aren't warped enough from my horribly unfair insistence that they do the job for which they were constructed. I don't know why they even bother--they're probably all the same numbers and anyone I might want to call is in my cellphone already.

Nothing in my chosen profession on Craigslist today. I really need to just find another line of work. I want a change of pace, so why only go halfway? But doing what, exactly? Crap. I should've stayed in college.

The cat's staring out the front window, on the lookout for squirrels. Meanwhile she misses the squirrel scampering around the backyard...

Arrgh, this isn't working. I came here to write and I'm turning this blog into a glorified Twitter account. I think I'll cut this session short to half an hour. I'll do the other half when I get home tonight.

Still, this is something, right? On an ordinary day I'd write, let's see, nothing, and here I've gone and written something. I mean far as I'm concerned it's nothing, but it's a more substantial nothing than usual. A warm-up, if you will. Plus now I've cleared my head to think about what I'll write tonight. Maybe I'll work on one of those projects I've had piling up.

Ooh, the sun's coming out now! It's still early enough in the year I'm actually happy to see it. Of course I'll have changed my tune by about mid-July when I'm well and truly turned into living bacon. Even then I doubt I'll miss rain. I really did move to the wrong city.

The cat's washing herself on top of my monitor again. I keep telling her it's not a bathtub. She refuses to listen, no matter how many times I fill the actual tub with ice-cold water and chuck her in.

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