Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I am SO gonna get beaten up

Oh, you're Chris Humphreys, are you?

You have no problem identifying with a murderous thug, then. Superb.

A few months ago my grandfather came to visit. He mentioned how he'd heard Portland had problems with gangs in the past and asked if that was still the case. I told him that there's only one gang in town right now, and they're called the Portland Police Department.

I was semi-joking at the time. Now I realize how right I was. When presented with a shithead who should by rights be seen as a disgrace to their profession, the PPD opt instead to make a martyr of him. How laughable that one of the few remaining effective unions in this country spends most of its time standing for the rights of unrepentant thugs and racists, viewing even the most halfhearted slap on the wrist as an unforgivable insult.

Were this world perfect, the thug Humphreys would receive every punishment and injury he inflicted upon his victims. I wonder if his supporters would be so eager to claim his identity then.

1 comment:

  1. "In 1981, former union boss Stan Peters marched on City Hall with 850 people after two officers were fired for leaving dead opossums in front of a black-owned restaurant. "

    Ha ha, whoops!

    Seriously though, I'm curious, is this quote above proven? I mean, is it that they were accused, or that an investigation confirmed it. Because it mentioned further down that they were let free.

    That's an interesting video, two cops, then four cops, and one 5'7" 150 lb (!) girl. If I was black, I hate to think what they might have done to me.

